[RSS-пост] ReSharper 6.0 Goes Beta
Хабы: Блог компании JetBrainsHere's some long-awaited news for .NET developers: after months of early access, we're making ReSharper 6.0 Beta available for you to download and test-drive. ReSharper 6.0 is a very substantial update that includes (but is not limited to):
- Rich support for JavaScript, CSS, and ASP.NET MVC 3 (Razor).
- Bundled decompiler.
- New navigation actions and valuable additions to existing navigation features.
- Code inspections and quick-fixes for on-the-fly code quality control in VB.NET code.
- Multiple new code inspections and quick-fixes for C#.
- Color assistance in C#, XAML, VB.NET, and CSS.
- Bug fixes and new actions in XAML code.
The JetBrains Team