[RSS-пост] WebStorm 2.0 — Master the Latest Web Standards!

Хабы: Блог компании JetBrains

WebStorm 2.0 is finally out! WebStorm 2.0 brings to your hands support for the latest standards of web development: feel the safety of «use strict» mode of JavaScript, enjoy richness of HTML5, manage your CSS with LESS or SASS. The platform improvements concern HTML and JavaScript editing, all VCS integrations and other areas which are also important for WebStorm users. The key changes include:
  • ECMAScript 5 «use strict»
  • Support for Leaner CSS (LESS) and SASS/SCSS extensions for CSS added
  • Relax NG for XML
  • Added Mercurial support
  • Integration with issue trackers is extended with GitHub, PivotalTracker and RedMine
  • Reworked UI for all supported platforms: Windows, Mac OS and Linux
For more details please read what's new, and download WebStorm 2.0. Don't forget: if you purchased a WebStorm 1.0 license download version 2.0 and upgrade right now — for free. Develop with pleasure!
The JetBrains Team

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