[RSS-пост] Free .NET Decompiler: Please Welcome JetBrains dotPeek!
Хабы: Блог компании JetBrainsWe've got some timely news for the .NET developer community! Today we're opening an Early Access Program for our new product — free .NET decompiler called dotPeek. dotPeek is able to decompile .NET 1.0-4.0 assemblies to C#; provides syntax highlighting, code insight, complete keyboard support, Visual Studio look-and-feel, and brings the full power of ReSharper-style navigation to the entire .NET community. Get an overview of dotPeek functionality, and grab an early dotPeek build! Let us know how it feels. We're looking forward to your feedback in order to make the new decompiler bug-free and comfortable in daily use by all .NET developers. Develop with pleasure!
The JetBrains Team