Ethics Policy

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As a website that writes about all things tech we often touch on things that are related to other companies, brands, their services, and products. However, our position is always simple — we describe everything from the perspective of the average user and sometimes do not use the website (as well as related social media or resources) or the personal resources or social media of the authors in order to attack brands, companies or individuals.

Sometimes our point of view may be critical, but it reflects only the opinion of the author or author team about the product, service, or brand and is not an attempt to do any damage to the company.

Providing proper credits to external sources

We also try to contribute as much as we can to the development of a clean web, including providing links to the original sources. We believe it is our responsibility to contribute to a healthy ecosystem, and we are moving in that direction.

For images that have been taken from other sources we also always provide proper image credits.

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