How to use FaceTime on an Android device

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One of the most useful features of iOS is FaceTime. That«s quite a simple way not just to call someone, but also to have a video conversation. The only disadvantage you can face is that FaceTime can be fully used only between users of Apple devices.

FaceTime was previously available only for Apple devices, but in June 2021 it came to Android. If you«re an Android user — the bad news is that you can«t initiate calls via FaceTime. They can«t even download an app to their phone, it«s just not available to them. Now, I will tell you how to receive calls with FaceTime on Android and send non-iOS users a call request.

How to join a FaceTime call on Android from Google Chrome

You can send an invitation to Facetime if you«re an iOS 15, iPad OS 15, or macOS 12 Monterey user. Android users can accept the invitation link through their Google Chrome browser. Let me explain how to do this:

  • As I«ve mentioned above, for the Android user to use Facetime, the iOS user needs to send them a link to join a call. This is very easy to do. You need to open the FaceTime app and select »Create link» at the top of the app. 
  • After you select «Create link», you will see a window where you have to choose how to send the link. Your choices will be Messages, Airdrop, Mail, etc
  • Regardless of the method of receiving the link, the Android user must open it in the Google Chrome browser.
  • Once you click on the link, a box will appear, where you have to enter your name. After entering your name, click on «Continue» below.
  • After you press «Connect», the IOS user will be prompted to join the session. After confirming the connection, it will allow the Android user to participate in the call.

 Alternative ways to have a video chat between IOS and Android users

After all this, I can say that video calls aren«t the monopoly of Apple. There are many ways of video communication between users on different OS. Skype, Viber, Telegram, and other apps provide the same functions, and they are much easier to use between Apple and Android users. They all have the advantage of being multiplatform. You can install them on your smartphone as well as on your PC. Skype, for example, is easy to use for both individual sessions and conferences. The same can be said for Discord or Google Duo. The only difference is which interface you«re more comfortable with.

This article was written by Vladimir Sereda and was reviewed by Vladislav Sheridan, a Managing Editor at Splaitor, according to our Quality and Fact-Checking Policy.

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