Гора на обоях в iOS 7
Не задумывались, какая гора показана на одном из обоев в iOS 7? Это Ама Даблам в Непале вид со стороны северо-западного гребня. Фотограф Nick Meek:
At 6856 meters above sea level, Ama Dablam is a Himalayan giant. Her name translates to Mother«s Necklace after the huge hanging glacier that can be seen near the summit of the south face. This picture is taken from Chukung Ri on the other side of the Khumbu valley.
As we look at the mountain the left ridge leading to the summit is the northwest ridge. It was first climbed in 2001 by Jules Cartwright and Rich Cross. They climbed alpine style without the use of oxygen.
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