Продажи беспроводной колонки Beats Pill официально прекращены. Она вышла в 2015 году

Apple сняла с продажи беспроводную колонку Beats Pill+.
Beats Pill+ первоначально продавалась за $229, но совсем недавно Apple продала ее в магазинах и онлайн за $179,95. Теперь упоминания о ней удалены с сайтов Apple и Beats.
Apple appears to have officially discontinued the Beats Pill+ portable Bluetooth speaker that was first announced in 2015. The speaker was actually the first totally new product to come from Apple under the Beats brand following its $3 billion acquisition of the company in 2014. The product has now been discontinued without a clear replacement. [?]