Темная сторона Google Play

HelloI update all artworks and app icon. Please let me know, is all ok now? Kulibaba Vadim2014–07–10 18:01 GMT+04:00 Google Play Support :

This is a notification that your application, FreeMp (Free Audio Player), with package ID ru.recoilme.freeamp, is currently in violation of our developer terms.

REASON FOR WARNING: Potential violation of the Impersonation or Deceptive behavior and/or intellectual property provisions of the Content Policy.

Your app and/or elements of its listing on Google Play, including title, description, logo (s), or promotional screenshots, have been flagged for potential unauthorized usage of protected works belonging to a third party. Protected work could typically include product names, brands, images, music, and similar works. This is a policy warning of impending removal.

To achieve compliance, you must perform one of the following actions within 7 days, or your app will be permanently disabled:

Provide verifiable and accepted proof that you have rights or license to utilize this content, Make modifications to your app and/or its listing to bring it into compliance. To do so, remove any content that may be a protected work in your app and/or app listing.Unpublish the listing from further availability on Google Play.

For further guidance, please refer to this article for more information.

If you have additional apps in your catalog, please also review and update them to reach compliance. Note that any remaining applications found to be in violation will be removed from the Google Play Store.

The Google Play Team

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