Старые секреты быстрой отладки: анимация исходного кода
{%F- no reformatting }
program Pas1 (input,output,paskey,pasksy,spsfile,enterf,symsetf{,textf});
nkw = 27; (*no. of key words*)
alng = 10; (*no. of significant chars in identifiers*)
symbol = (intcon,realcon,charcon,string,
alfa = packed array [1..alng] of char;
object = (konstant,variable,type1,prozedure,funktion);
types = (notyp,ints,reals,bools,chars,arrays,records);
keytype = array [1..nkw] of alfa;
ksytype = array [1..nkw] of symbol;
spstype = array [char] of symbol;
symset = set of symbol;
entertype = record
fx0: alfa; fx1: object;
fx2: types; fx3: integer;
key: keytype;
ksy: ksytype;
sps: spstype; (*special symbols*)
syset : symset;
pasksy : file of ksytype;
paskey : file of keytype;
spsfile : file of spstype;
enterf : file of entertype;
symsetf : file of symset;
{ textf : text;}
procedure enter(x0: alfa; x1: object;
x2: types; x3: integer);
EnterRec : EnterType;
with EnterRec do
begin fx0 := x0; fx1 := x1;
fx2 := x2; fx3 := x3
write ( enterf, EnterRec );
end (*enter*) ;
begin {main program}
key[ 1] := 'and '; key[ 2] := 'array ';
key[ 3] := 'begin '; key[ 4] := 'case ';
key[ 5] := 'const '; key[ 6] := 'div ';
key[ 7] := 'do '; key[ 8] := 'downto ';
key[ 9] := 'else '; key[10] := 'end ';
key[11] := 'for '; key[12] := 'function ';
key[13] := 'if '; key[14] := 'mod ';
key[15] := 'not '; key[16] := 'of ';
key[17] := 'or '; key[18] := 'procedure ';
key[19] := 'program '; key[20] := 'record ';
key[21] := 'repeat '; key[22] := 'then ';
key[23] := 'to '; key[24] := 'type ';
key[25] := 'until '; key[26] := 'var ';
key[27] := 'while ';
ksy[ 1] := andsy; ksy[ 2] := arraysy;
ksy[ 3] := beginsy; ksy[ 4] := casesy;
ksy[ 5] := constsy; ksy[ 6] := idiv;
ksy[ 7] := dosy; ksy[ 8] := downtosy;
ksy[ 9] := elsesy; ksy[10] := endsy;
ksy[11] := forsy; ksy[12] := functionsy;
ksy[13] := ifsy; ksy[14] := imod;
ksy[15] := notsy; ksy[16] := ofsy;
ksy[17] := orsy; ksy[18] := proceduresy;
ksy[19] := programsy; ksy[20] := recordsy;
ksy[21] := repeatsy; ksy[22] := thensy;
ksy[23] := tosy; ksy[24] := typesy;
ksy[25] := untilsy; ksy[26] := varsy;
ksy[27] := whilesy;
rewrite (paskey);
write (paskey, key);
ksy[ 1] := andsy; ksy[ 2] := arraysy;
ksy[ 3] := beginsy; ksy[ 4] := casesy;
ksy[ 5] := constsy; ksy[ 6] := idiv;
ksy[ 7] := dosy; ksy[ 8] := downtosy;
ksy[ 9] := elsesy; ksy[10] := endsy;
ksy[11] := forsy; ksy[12] := functionsy;
ksy[13] := ifsy; ksy[14] := imod;
ksy[15] := notsy; ksy[16] := ofsy;
ksy[17] := orsy; ksy[18] := proceduresy;
ksy[19] := programsy; ksy[20] := recordsy;
ksy[21] := repeatsy; ksy[22] := thensy;
ksy[23] := tosy; ksy[24] := typesy;
ksy[25] := untilsy; ksy[26] := varsy;
ksy[27] := whilesy;
rewrite (pasksy);
write (pasksy, ksy);
sps['+'] := plus; sps['-'] := minus;
sps['*'] := times; sps['/'] := rdiv;
sps['('] := lparent; sps[')'] := rparent;
sps['='] := eql; sps[','] := comma;
sps['['] := lbrack; sps[']'] := rbrack;
sps['#'] := neq; sps['&'] := andsy;
sps[';'] := semicolon;
rewrite (spsfile);
write (spsfile, sps);
rewrite (enterf);
enter(' ', variable, notyp, 0); (*sentinel*)
enter('false ', konstant, bools, 0);
enter('true ', konstant, bools, 1);
enter('real ', type1, reals, 1);
enter('char ', type1, chars, 1);
enter('boolean ', type1, bools, 1);
enter('integer ', type1, ints , 1);
enter('abs ', funktion, reals,0);
enter('sqr ', funktion, reals,2);
enter('odd ', funktion, bools,4);
enter('chr ', funktion, chars,5);
enter('ord ', funktion, ints, 6);
enter('succ ', funktion, chars,7);
enter('pred ', funktion, chars,8);
enter('round ', funktion, ints, 9);
enter('trunc ', funktion, ints, 10);
enter('sin ', funktion, reals, 11);
enter('cos ', funktion, reals, 12);
enter('exp ', funktion, reals, 13);
enter('ln ', funktion, reals, 14);
enter('sqrt ', funktion, reals, 15);
enter('arctan ', funktion, reals, 16);
enter('eof ', funktion, bools, 17);
enter('eoln ', funktion, bools, 18);
enter('read ', prozedure, notyp, 1);
enter('readln ', prozedure, notyp, 2);
enter('write ', prozedure, notyp, 3);
enter('writeln ', prozedure, notyp, 4);
enter(' ', prozedure, notyp, 0);
rewrite (symsetf);
syset := [plus,minus,intcon,realcon,charcon,ident];
write ( symsetf, syset );
syset := [ident,arraysy,recordsy];
write ( symsetf, syset );
syset := [constsy,typesy,varsy,proceduresy,functionsy,beginsy];
write ( symsetf, syset );
syset := [intcon,realcon,charcon,ident,lparent,notsy];
write ( symsetf, syset );
syset := [beginsy,ifsy,whilesy,repeatsy,forsy,casesy];
write ( symsetf, syset );