Новости рынка, 16 марта 2015г.
Всего лишь месяц с прошлого выпуска, подумаешь! Праздники, выходные, командировки и поездки, вот это все… Продолжаем!
Sales/Market dataiOS 8 is now on 75% iOS devices (Apple)700 million iPhones sold, 453 retail stores, 21 stores in China (9to5Mac)The latest smartphone sales data from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech (Kantar)Google Play Revenue Surpasses iOS in Germany (App Annie)Apple Watch Smartwatch to Ship 15 Million Units Worldwide in 2015 (Strategy Analytics)Apple the biggest LTE smartphone vendor in India (IndiaTimes)
Product/company newsApple has announced Apple Watch and new MacBook (The Verge)Samsung has announced Galaxy S6/S6 EDGE (Samsung)Forking hell! Baidu gives up on its Android-based OS (Techinasia)This is Google«s new Chromebook Pixel (The Verge)Microsoft updates iOS Office apps with additional third party storage support (TNW)Dropbox gets more powerful on iOS 8 with new sharing extension (9to5Mac)Microsoft launches a new API for OneDrive (TNW)Sync, BitTorrent«s Free File Sharing Service, Exits Beta With A $40 Pro Tier (TechCrunch)
Other newsBox Acquires Cloud Management Startup Airpost (TechCrunch)Ericsson Mobility Report Feb 2015 (Ericsson)Akamai Releases Third Quarter 2014 «State of the Internet» Report (Akamai)Gartner Says Worldwide Market for Refurbished Smartphones to Reach 120 Million Units by 2017 (Gartner)BlackBerry thinks 100M BBM downloads are impressive (The Verge)
В формат слайда влезло не все, так что stay tuned, я кое-что интересное приберег для следующей недели.