Как управлять тысячами строк правил Firewall, на примере Juniper SRX
Есть специальная программное обеспечение, например Algosec или Tufin, но простая Python программа может сделать почти то же самое.
Серьёзными проблемами для больших фаерволов могут быть повторяющиеся правила, затенённые правила, а также группы правил которые можно объединить.
Я подготовил упрощенную конфигурацию для SRX:
set security policies global policy gl1 match source-address og1
set security policies global policy gl1 match destination-address og12
set security policies global policy gl1 match application junos-ssh
set security policies global policy gl1 then permit
set security policies global policy gl2 match source-address og1
set security policies global policy gl2 match source-address og3
set security policies global policy gl2 match source-address on1
set security policies global policy gl2 match destination-address og12
set security policies global policy gl2 match destination-address og4
set security policies global policy gl2 match destination-address on2
set security policies global policy gl2 match application junos-http
set security policies global policy gl2 then permit
set security policies global policy glpol1 match source-address app_c_b
set security policies global policy glpol1 match destination-address og3
set security policies global policy glpol1 match application junos-https
set security policies global policy glpol1 then permit
set security policies global policy glt1 match source-address og1_5_6
set security policies global policy glt1 match destination-address og1_7_8
set security policies global policy glt1 match application junos-ssh
set security policies global policy glt1 then permit
set security policies global policy glt2 match source-address og1_5_6_cl
set security policies global policy glt2 match destination-address og1_7_8
set security policies global policy glt2 match application junos-ssh
set security policies global policy glt2 then permit
set security policies global policy glt3 match source-address og5_6
set security policies global policy glt3 match destination-address og7_8
set security policies global policy glt3 match application junos-ssh
set security policies global policy glt3 then permit
set security policies global policy glt4 match source-address og5_6
set security policies global policy glt4 match destination-address og7_8
set security policies global policy glt4 match destination-address app_a_b
set security policies global policy glt4 match application junos-ssh
set security policies global policy glt4 then permit
set security policies global policy glt5 match source-address og5_6
set security policies global policy glt5 match source-address app_c_b
set security policies global policy glt5 match destination-address og7_8
set security policies global policy glt5 match destination-address app_a_b
set security policies global policy glt5 match application junos-ssh
set security policies global policy glt5 then permit
set security policies global policy glt2cl match source-address og1_5_6_cl
set security policies global policy glt2cl match destination-address og1_7_8
set security policies global policy glt2cl match application junos-ssh
set security policies global policy glt2cl then permit
set security policies global policy glt4ag match source-address og5_6
set security policies global policy glt4ag match destination-address og7_8
set security policies global policy glt4ag match destination-address app_a_b
set security policies global policy glt4ag match application junos-https
set security policies global policy glt4ag then permit
python программа считывает и пробразует в CSV файл
gl2;['og1', 'og3', 'on1'];['og12', 'og4', 'on2'];['junos-http']
glt4;['og5_6'];['app_a_b', 'og7_8'];['junos-ssh']
glt5;['app_c_b', 'og5_6'];['app_a_b', 'og7_8'];['junos-ssh']
glt4ag;['og5_6'];['app_a_b', 'og7_8'];['junos-https']
В первом столбце имя, во втором python list с объектами адресов источника, в третьем назначения и в четвертом приложение.
вторая программа ищет либо полное соотвествие объектов, что означает повторяющееся правило, а значит одно из них можно удалить, либо ищет правила где объекты являются подмножеством объектов другого правила, что означает затененое правило (shadow), либо ищет правила где две группы объектов совпадают, а значит два правила можно сгрупировать по третьему столбцу.
далее python
# usage " python srx_policy_to_csv fw_name " ------- SRX FW to create CSV file with policies
import csv, sys
from sys import argv
args = sys.argv # Set the input and output file names
input_file = args[1] +'.conf' # "juniper_srx_policies .csv"
output_file = args[1] + '_all.csv' # "_all.csv"
csv_list = []
# Open the input and output files
with open(input_file, "r") as f, open(output_file, "w", newline="") as out_file:
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=" ")
writer = csv.writer(out_file, delimiter=';') # semicolon delimiter
policy_name = ''
src_list , dst_list, app_list = [] , [] , []
for row in reader: # Loop over each row in the input file
rrr = row
if row == []:
if not (row[0] == "set"):
if ((row[0] == "set") and (row[1] == "security") and (row[2] == "policies") and ("policy" in row)):
if ((policy_name == row[(row.index('policy')+1)])):
# print(row)
if ("source-address" in row):
src_list.append( row[(row.index('source-address')+1)] )
if ("destination-address" in row):
dst_list.append( row[(row.index('destination-address')+1)] )
if ("application" in row):
app_list.append( row[(row.index('application')+1)] )
outstr = policy_name+','+ str(src_list)+','+str(dst_list)+','+str(app_list)
if not policy_name == '':
writer.writerow([policy_name, str(src_list), str(dst_list), str(app_list)])
# print( ' added ',outstr, ' to ', csv_list)
policy_name = row[(row.index('policy')+1)]
src_list , dst_list, app_list = [] , [] , []
if ("source-address" in row):
src_list.append( row[(row.index('source-address')+1)] )
if ("destination-address" in row):
dst_list.append( row[(row.index('destination-address')+1)] )
if ("application" in row):
app_list.append( row[(row.index('application')+1)] )
outstr = policy_name+','+ str(src_list)+','+str(dst_list)+','+str(app_list)
writer.writerow([policy_name, str(src_list), str(dst_list), str(app_list)])
print(' --------- ')
print(' --------- ')
и второй
# usage " python shadow.py fw_name" --- search SRX duplicate shadow rules file_path = 'conf _all.csv'
import csv, sys, re, ast, ipaddress, pandas as pd
from sys import argv
def c_s_t_l(string): # convert a string that looks like a list to an actual list
try: # convert_string_to_list(string):
return ast.literal_eval(string) # Return list
except (ValueError, SyntaxError):
return string # Return the original string if it's not a list
############## main
args = sys.argv # Set the input and output file names
file_path = args[1]+'_all.csv' # read " juniper_srx policies .csv"
textfile = open(file_path, "r")
textf = textfile.read()
d_output_file = args[1] +'_dup_source_dest.csv' # write " _dup.csv"
f_output_file = args[1] +'_dup_full.csv' # write " _dup.csv"
s_output_file = args[1] +'_sha.csv' # write " _sha.csv"
dtextfile = open(d_output_file, "w")
ftextfile = open(f_output_file, "w")
stextfile = open(s_output_file, "w")
nlines = textf.strip().splitlines()
nlines1 = nlines
c1, c2, c3 = 0 , 0 , 0
for fline in nlines:
row = fline.split(';') # Split each line by (';')
for fline1 in nlines1:
row1 = fline1.split(';') # Split each line by (';')
if row[0] == row1[0]:
if ((c_s_t_l(row[1]) == (c_s_t_l(row1[1]))) and ((c_s_t_l(row[2])) == (c_s_t_l(row1[2])))): # find duplicate
if (c_s_t_l(row[3]) == (c_s_t_l(row1[3]))):
c1 = c1 + 1
print(' ----------- ',c1 , file=ftextfile)
print(row , file=ftextfile)
print(row1 , file=ftextfile)
c2 = c2 + 1
print(' ----------- ',c2 , file=dtextfile)
print(row , file=dtextfile)
print(row1 , file=dtextfile)
if (set(c_s_t_l(row[1])).issubset(c_s_t_l(row1[1])) and set(c_s_t_l(row[2])).issubset(c_s_t_l(row1[2])) and set(c_s_t_l(row[3])).issubset(c_s_t_l(row1[3]))):
c3 = c3 + 1
print(' ----------- ',c3 , file=stextfile)
print(row , file=stextfile)
print(row1 , file=stextfile)
# continue
Пожалуйста, любые комменты и вопросы приветствуются.