Как я Марс спасал или небольшой квест на питоне


После вывода становится понятно, что данные представлены в формате JSON:

Такой джейсон получаем:

[{"id":31,"s":"ony: 1 man"},{"id":27,"s":"de all spe"},{"id":61,"s":"s will fac"},{"id":55,"s":"out men, a"},{"id":42,"s":"ntists.\n2."},{"id":18,"s":"n. Our soc"},{"id":70,"s":"the planet"},{"id":5,"s":". One oper"},{"id":64,"s":" condition"},{"id":44,"s":"y have to "},{"id":49,"s":"st 51% of "},{"id":58,"s":"ists must "},{"id":71,"s":". Select p"},{"id":59,"s":"be male.\n3"},{"id":85,"s":"he followi"},{"id":43,"s":" The colon"},{"id":73,"s":" resilienc"},{"id":24,"s":"selection."},{"id":62,"s":"e all kind"},{"id":47,"s":"nerations,"},{"id":105,"s":"eople who "},{"id":103,"s":"rmation, s"},{"id":22,"s":"ias to sim"},{"id":86,"s":"ng format:"},{"id":2,"s":"p's lander"},{"id":36,"s":" computer "},{"id":48,"s":" so at lea"},{"id":16,"s":"for Mars c"},{"id":75,"s":"0 and more"},{"id":11,"s":". You have"},{"id":95,"s":"emale = 0,"},{"id":68,"s":"ple should"},{"id":41,"s":"s, 14 scie"},{"id":7,"s":", but is u"},{"id":98,"s":"e rating\ne"},{"id":0,"s":"Two of the"},{"id":101,"s":".\n\nKnowing"},{"id":33,"s":"oks, 4 ele"},{"id":97,"s":";Resilienc"},{"id":51,"s":"olonists m"},{"id":108,"s":"d Planet."},{"id":100,"s":"break - \\n"},{"id":60,"s":". Colonist"},{"id":40,"s":"8 mechanic"},{"id":78,"s":"100.\n\nThe "},{"id":1,"s":" three shi"},{"id":13,"s":"0 most app"},{"id":12,"s":" to pick 4"},{"id":93,"s":"ID;Profess"},{"id":104,"s":"elect 40 p"},{"id":39,"s":"5 medics, "},{"id":8,"s":"nable to c"},{"id":52,"s":"ust be fem"},{"id":96,"s":" male = 1)"},{"id":89,"s":"female = 0"},{"id":10,"s":" colonists"},{"id":65,"s":"s. Only th"},{"id":35,"s":"gineers, 5"},{"id":21,"s":"ree criter"},{"id":17,"s":"olonisatio"},{"id":54,"s":" forget ab"},{"id":15,"s":"andidates "},{"id":87,"s":" ID;Profes"},{"id":37,"s":"system spe"},{"id":79,"s":"file attac"},{"id":90,"s":", male = 1"},{"id":29,"s":"ssential f"},{"id":107,"s":"ize the Re"},{"id":6,"s":"ates fully"},{"id":66,"s":"e most res"},{"id":32,"s":"ager, 3 co"},{"id":63,"s":"s of harsh"},{"id":4,"s":"unctioning"},{"id":82,"s":"tains a li"},{"id":38,"s":"cialists, "},{"id":74,"s":"e rating 6"},{"id":77,"s":"from 1 to "},{"id":19,"s":"iologists "},{"id":3,"s":"s are malf"},{"id":53,"s":"ale. Don't"},{"id":23,"s":"plify the "},{"id":28,"s":"cialists e"},{"id":88,"s":"sion;Sex ("},{"id":94,"s":"ion;Sex (f"},{"id":106,"s":"will colon"},{"id":25,"s":"\n\n1. Crew "},{"id":102,"s":" this info"},{"id":91,"s":");Resilien"},{"id":81,"s":"s task con"},{"id":57,"s":"% of colon"},{"id":76,"s":" on scale "},{"id":30,"s":"or the col"},{"id":80,"s":"hed to thi"},{"id":14,"s":"ropriate c"},{"id":72,"s":"eople with"},{"id":69,"s":" colonize "},{"id":9,"s":"ontain 120"},{"id":20,"s":"defined th"},{"id":67,"s":"ilient peo"},{"id":50,"s":"selected c"},{"id":99,"s":"tc. \nLine "},{"id":83,"s":"st of colo"},{"id":56,"s":"t least 30"},{"id":84,"s":"nists in t"},{"id":34,"s":"ctrical en"},{"id":45,"s":"exist for "},{"id":92,"s":"ce rating\n"},{"id":26,"s":"must inclu"},{"id":46,"s":"several ge"}]

В каждом элементе массива есть параметр «id» — это порядковый номер, по нему и будем сортировать кусочки сообщения. Усложним наш код:

В итоге, получим сообщение и md5-хэш сообщения:

Two of the three ship's landers are malfunctioning. One operates fully, but is unable to contain 120 colonists. You have to pick 40 most appropriate candidates for Mars colonisation. Our sociologists defined three criterias to simplify the selection.

1. Crew must include all specialists essential for the colony: 1 manager, 3 cooks, 4 electrical engineers, 5 computer system specialists, 5 medics, 8 mechanics, 14 scientists.
2. The colony have to exist for several generations, so at least 51% of selected colonists must be female. Don’t forget about men, at least 30% of colonists must be male.
3. Colonists will face all kinds of harsh conditions. Only the most resilient people should colonize the planet. Select people with resilience rating 60 and more on scale from 1 to 100.

The file attached to this task contains a list of colonists in the following format: ID; Profession; Sex (female = 0, male = 1); Resilience rating
ID; Profession; Sex (female = 0, male = 1); Resilience rating
Line break — \n.

Knowing this information, select 40 people who will colonize the Red Planet.

К сообщению прилагается файл с данными о колонистах в следующем формате:

Формат такой: ID; Профессия; Пол (женщина = 0, мужчина = 1); Рейтинг устойчивости

Предлагается из 120 колонистов набрать 40, удовлетворяющих следующим критериям:

Форма на сайте принимает код и автоматически его тестирует. Данные подаются из потока стандартного ввода, по этой же причине, приходится их считывать оттуда, что немного усложняет тестирование кода при написании.

Хотел поделиться с вами этим, довольно интересным, опытом, участия в подобных квестах. Для меня он оказался первым. Мне кажется, идея интересная даже без конкурсной основы. Лично я нарешал штук 5 задач разных типов. Остальные прикладываю по ссылке на github.

А еще, в качестве вознаграждения, в конце выпадает рейтинговая таблица с вашим временем. Для меня лучший результат оказался таким:

Итог, символическое 50 место из более 400+ участников.
Что можно об этом сказать? Для меня это было увлекательно проведенное за программированием время. Кстати задания все еще доступны для желающих их порешать, несмотря на то, что конкурс давно завершен.

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