Атака патентных троллей на Github

Точнее, на rackspace за то, что хостят гитхаб.

pdf'ка с заявлением в суд.

Среди исцов не только патентный тролль (некая Personalweb Technologies LLC), но ещё каким-то образом L3 communication (крупный ISP).


Rackspace has infringed and continues to infringe the ’791 patent by its manufacture, use, sale, importation, and/or offer for sale of the following products and services within the PersonalWeb Patent Field: Rackspace Cloud Servers and GitHub Code Hosting
Service. Rackspace further contributes to and induces others to manufacture, use, sell, import, and/or offer for sale these infringing products and services. Rackspace is liable for its infringement of the ’791 patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271.

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