Самые красивые фотографии дикой природы в 2017 году

Sergey Gorshkov/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Arctic treasure («Арктическое сокровище»)

Jack Dykinga/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Saguaro twist («Изгиб сагуаро»)

Laurent Ballesta/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Swim gym («Плавательная гимнастика»)

Qing Lin/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
The insiders («Свои»)

Ashleigh Scully/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Bear hug («Медвежье объятие»)

Klaus Nigge/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Bold eagle («Храбрый орел»)

Laura Albiac Vilas/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Glimpse of a lynx («Взгляд рыси»)

Steve Winter/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Saved but caged («Спасен, но в клетке»)

Justin Hofman/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Sewage surfer («Сточный серфер»)

Mats Andersson/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Winter pause («Зимняя пауза»)

David Lloyd/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
The power of the matriarch («Сила матриарха»)

Andrey Narchuk/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Romance among the angels («Любовь ангелов»)

Tyohar Kastiel/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Resplendent delivery («Блестящая доставка»)