How to create a poll on Facebook Timeline

The social network Facebook has gained enormous popularity all over the world in a short period of time and is still at the top of the rating of the most popular social networks. Since the launch of Facebook, the developers have repeatedly updated their brainchild, adding new functions, sections, and navigation tools, trying to please their users.

One of these innovations was the «Timeline» version of the profile page, which caused mixed emotions among Facebook users. Many people found this style of design convenient and practical, while some were strongly disappointed and even refused to use the social network. However, no matter what, this interface was approved and approved by the developers as the main one.

In Timeline, you can add anything you want — and posts with polls are no exception. But how to do it right is what we«re going to figure out.

As mentioned above, Timeline is a style of profile page design where the user can tell the story of their life. In other words, it«s a personal diary or blog. Its distinctive feature is the ability to sort publications by year.

You can publish anything you like in the Timeline. It can be stories from your life, events of the day, videos, photos, music, links, and any other materials. It is also possible to customize the display of the Timeline and select the audience it will be available to. Following this, it is clear that it is possible to view someone else«s Timeline and to leave publications in other users» feeds if they have given permission for this in the privacy settings.

Another interesting feature of the Timeline is the ability to post retrospectively. So you can post something you forgot to write last week or even last year. But posting in the past tense is limited to the date you were born. You can«t post from a century ago.

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How to make a poll on Facebook Timeline

So, you«re going to poll your friends about something you have doubts about, or you«re running a business page where it«s important to interact with your audience and collect general opinions about products or services. You have accessed your Facebook page via PC or laptop, but you have found that the interface does not offer such an option.

Unfortunately, as of this writing, it is not possible to create a traditional Facebook Timeline poll. The reason for this is not known, but just recently this feature was available. This also applies to Android and iOS versions, where it is not possible to create a poll in its classic form in your own timeline.

As for the Timeline or business pages — the case is bad, and admins have to use either third-party apps or create other methods of interaction with followers.

So is it even possible to create classic polls on Facebook? Yes, it is, and we«ll talk about that below.

Are there alternative methods on how to create a poll on Facebook Timeline

At the time of writing, Facebook does not have a «Create Poll» button in the newsfeed or business page toolkit (Facebook groups and Facebook events have surveys, but they do not appear after reposting). And this was one of the excellent ways to promote a site on social networks. Because of this, admins» pages and users resort to different ways to overcome such a difficulty.

Now the survey can be done in almost any variation: within the social network, outside of its borders, or using third-party sites and programs. About the most important ways, we will tell in more detail.

A poll with an answer in the comments

The easiest and fastest way to make a poll is to create one on your Timeline or on the Timeline of your group page is to ask a question, specify the answer choices, and users will answer in the comments. This way the results are counted manually.

You can also add a picture poll here. Create a collage with two choices and ask users to indicate their favorite in the comments.

The Google App — Google Forms

Creating a survey in Google Forms is easy. So, what you need to do:

  • Go to the Google Forms website.
  • Choose »Open…»
  • Click on the »+» sign and create a new form
  • In the new window, create a survey: enter its name, type in questions, answer choices, etc.
  • The options for creating responses are as follows:
  • Once the survey is created, click the »Submit» button
  • This is where you choose how you want to send your survey: via mail, link, or HTML. You can send it directly to Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Share the survey on your Facebook feed and you«re done

This method of creating a survey is very easy and simple to use. It«s almost the same as creating it directly in your feed, only it counts the answer choices and sample itself. That is, it«s even nicer in terms of functionality.

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Is it possible to create a traditional poll on Facebook at all

The only way you can create a survey on Facebook the classic way is to take a survey via Groups. Or via Facebook Stories. The latter refers to when you want to post a survey just on your page or on behalf of a business page.

In order to create a poll on your own behalf, simply launch Facebook and you«ll be greeted immediately with the Create Story option. Click on the icon and select a photo on the topic or any neutral photo — and then on the top right select Stickers, where you«ll see the Poll option.

To create a story with a poll on behalf of the business-less page, you just need to go to this page (if you are an Admin) and click Create Story under Create Post. Then the algorithm is the same.

If you have a Group or if you are a member of one of the active Groups and want to survey participants, just follow the instructions:

  • Go to any Facebook Group you«re interested in
  • Click Poll

Now you know more about how to create Facebook polls and what alternatives there are for creating a Timeline poll.

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